1. How to setup GPFS cluster using db2cluster utility on your system.2. How to clean the GPFS cluster manually from your system.
Creating a user managed GPFS cluster and FS using db2cluster command- db2cluster -cfs -create -host
-domain - db2cluster -cfs -add -host
-domain - mmstartup -a
- db2cluster -cfs -create -filesystem
-disk -mount - mmshutdown -a
- mmstartup -a
- Run ‘mount’ command on both the hosts in the cluster and check if the new filesystem is mounted on both machines.
db2cluster -cfs -add -host Machine 2 -domain gpfsdomain
mmstartup -a
db2cluster -cfs -create -filesystem gpfs1 -disk /dev/hdisk8 -mount /gpfs1
Manually cleaning a DB2 Managed Clustered File System and uninstalling GPFS
1. Unmount all GPFS file systems using the following command:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmumount all -a
2. Ensure the GPFS cluster is online:
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
Node Number Node Name GPFS state
----------- ---------- -----------
1 Machine 1 active
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
Node Number Node Name GPFS state
----------- ---------- -----------
1 Machine 1 active
3. Find the available file system(s):
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
File system Disk name NSD servers
----------- --------- -------------------
db2fs1 db2disk1 (directly attached)
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
File system Disk name NSD servers
----------- --------- -------------------
db2fs1 db2disk1 (directly attached)
4. Delete the file system:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmdelfs db2fs1
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
All data on the following disks of db2fs1 will be destroyed: db2disk1
Completed deletion of file system /dev/db2fs1.
mmdelfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected
nodes: This is an asynchronous process.
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
All data on the following disks of db2fs1 will be destroyed: db2disk1
Completed deletion of file system /dev/db2fs1.
mmdelfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected
nodes: This is an asynchronous process.
5. Confirm that the file system has been deleted by rerunning the following command:
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
File system Disk name NSD servers
(free disk) db2disk1 (directly attached)
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
File system Disk name NSD servers
(free disk) db2disk1 (directly attached)
6. Stop the entire GPFS cluster:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmshutdown -a
7. Unset tiebreaker disk if the quorum type is tiebreaker:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks=no
8. Delete NSD:
9. Verify the removal of NSD:
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
mmlsnsd: No disks were found.
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
mmlsnsd: No disks were found.
10. Delete the GPFS cluster:
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmdelnode -a
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
Verifying GPFS is stopped on all affected nodes …
mmdelnode: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes.
This is an asynchronous process.
mmdelnode: Command successfully completed.
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
Verifying GPFS is stopped on all affected nodes …
mmdelnode: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes.
This is an asynchronous process.
mmdelnode: Command successfully completed.
11. Ensure that the GPFS has been removed:
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
mmlscluster: This node does not belong to a GPFS cluster.
mmlscluster: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.
The output of this command should be similar to the following:
mmlscluster: This node does not belong to a GPFS cluster.
mmlscluster: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.
12.Uninstall the GPFS binaries
Run the db2_deinstall -a command to uninstall the GPFS binaries along with DB2 SD and TSA binaries.
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