Much like a vernacular, the universe of UNIX tools changes almost perpetually. New tools crop up frequently, while others are eternally modernized and adapted to suit emerging best practices. Certain tools are used commonly; others are used more infrequently. Some tools are perennial; occasionally, some are obsoleted outright. To speak UNIX fluently, you have to keep up with the "lingo."
Prominent UNIX tools
Name | Purpose |
Cygwin | A UNIX-like shell and build environment for the Windows® operating system. |
fish | A highly interactive shell with automatic expansion and colored syntax for command names, options, and file names. |
locate | Build and search a database of all files |
rename | Rename large collections of files en masse |
rsync | Efficiently synchronize files and directories, locally and remotely |
Screen | Create and manage virtual, persistent consoles |
Squirrel | A cross-platform scripting shell |
tac | Print input in reverse order, last line first (tac is the reverse of cat ) |
type | Reveal whether a command is an alias, an executable, a shell built in, or a script |
wget | Download files using the command line |
zsh | An advanced shell featuring automatic completion, advanced redirection operands, and advanced substitutions |
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