This technote provides the location to a file that contains a list of most of the product codes and their descriptors. This method suggested below may not be applicable to all customer environments.
There is a file located at $INSTALLDIR/registry/proddsc.tbl. It contains a list of agent product codes. The proddsc.tbl file only exists in a Linux/Unix installation environment. It is not present in Windows or zOS. Please note some product codes listed in the table below may not be valid in all environments as some have reached end of support.
The output below is for example only and may not be complete. Since product codes are added periodically, do not use the list published in this Technote as the definitive source. Reference the most recent product documentation for updated product codes and descriptions.
2n Agentless Agent
3z Monitoring Agent for Active Directory
a2 AF/Remote Alert Adapter
a4 Monitoring Agent for i5/OS
ah System Automation for z/OS
am OMEGACENTER Gateway MVS Alert Adapter
au CA-Unicenter Alert Emitter
ax IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
bb RAS1 programming building blocks
bc ITCAM System Edition for WebSphere DataPower
bl CASP Directory Server Monitoring Agent
bn ITCAM for SOA Platform
br CASP Exchange Connector Monitoring Agent
bs Basic Services
c3 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS
ca Agent Management Services Watchdog
ce KCEagent in V5.1.0 and higher for OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS
cf TEMS Configurator
cg IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cryptographic Coprocessors
ci IBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer
cicatrsq IBM Tivoli Monitoring SQL Files
cienv IBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer
cj Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client
co Command and Control
cp IBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS
cq Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
cu ICU globalization support
cw Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client
cz IBM Tivoli Monitoring CommandPro
d3 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for DB2
d4 ITCAM for SOA
d5 OMEGAMON XE for PE and PM on z/OS
dc distributed communications
dd Distributed Database common code
de distributed communications transport protocol
dh Internet http server
do IBM Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS
dp OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE and PM on z/OS
ds Tivoli Enterprise Management Server
dy remote deploy (os agent only)
e3 R/3 Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
e4 Siemens APOGEE Agent
e5 OSIsoft PI Agent
e6 Johnson Controls Metasys Agent
e7 APC InfraStruXure Agent
e8 Eaton Power Xpert Agent
e9 Active Energy Manager Agent
ea Internet Monitoring Agent
el Lotus Notes Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
em Event manager
en SNMP Gateway on Windows NT
er Management Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console Gateway
es EIF to WS-Notification Converter
et End-to-End
eu Custom Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
ew Web Browsers (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
ex Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
ez OMA for eBA Solutions
fn Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Management Framework
fw Windows NT Tivoli Enterprise Portal
ga SNMP Gateway on AIX
gb IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Domino
gl general library
gr Graphics and Sound Library for TEP
gs IBM GSKit Security Interface
hc HMC Alert Adapter
hd Warehouse Proxy
hi HP OpenView IT/Operations Alert Adapter
hl OMEGAMON z/OS Management Console
ho HP OpenView NNM Alert Adapter
ht Monitoring Agent for Web Services
i5 OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS
ic WebSphere InterChange Server Monitoring Agent
ie WebSphere InterChange Server Data Source
ih OpenView ITO Alert Emitter
ip OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS
is IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Internet Service Monitoring
it TEC GUI Integration
iv IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions Update
iw IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions
jr Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
ju Monitoring Agent for JMX JSR-77
ka Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console
kf IBM Eclipse Help Server
kt ITCAM for Response Time Enabler on z/OS
la IBM Tivoli LAP tool
ln Lotus Notes Monitoring Agent
lo Monitoring Agent for Netcool\OMNIbus Logfiles
lv ITMS:Engine
lx POSIX pthread mapping service (CT/Engine)
lz Monitoring Agent for Linux OS
m3 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for OS/390
m6 ITCAM Agent for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
ma Remedy ARS Alert Adapter
mc WebSphere MQ Configuration Agent
md PQEdit
mq WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent
ms Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
n3 OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks
na IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise Management Agent
nd Monitoring Agent for Tivoli NetView Server
no Tivoli Omnibus ObjectServer Agent
np IBM Tivoli Network Manager
nt Monitoring Agent for Windows OS
nv NetView/AIX Alert Adapter
nw Novell NetWare Monitoring Agent
oe CCC for OS/390 Unix System Services
on OMEGAMON II for Mainframe Network
oq Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
or Monitoring Agent for Oracle
os IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Sysplex
ox Informix Monitoring Agent
oy Monitoring Agent for Sybase Server
p0 Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for DB2
p3 Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for OS agent
p4 Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for Oracle
p5 Base Monitoring Agent for AIX
p6 Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for System P
p8 ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Domain
p9 ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler
pa Performance Analyzer
pc DEC Polycenter Alert Adapter
pe Monitoring Agent for Provisioning
ph Base Monitoring Agent for HMC
pi Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for ITCAM RT
pk Base Monitoring Agent for CEC
pl CandleLight Workstation
ps PeopleSoft Monitoring Agent
pt Peregrine ServiceCenter Alert Adapter
pu Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for VMware
pv Base Monitoring Agent for VIOS
px Premium Monitoring Agent for AIX
q5 Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Cluster Server
q7 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Agent
qa Monitoring for Microsoft Applications
qd IBM Tivoli Monitoring for IBM Director
qf Monitoring Agent for Microsoft .NET Framework
qi WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent
qr Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Virtual Server
qv Monitoring Agent for VMware ESX
qx Monitoring Agent for Citrix Access Suite
r2 Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems
r3 Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems
r4 Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems
r5 Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems
r6 Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems
r9 Business System Manager Common Agent
rc IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Rational Applications
rg IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm
rj IBM Tivoli Allocation Optimizer for z/OS
rk IBM Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager
rn IBM Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS
rv IBM Tivoli Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS
rw IBM Tivoli Tape Optimizer
rz ITCAM Extended Agent for Oracle Database
s1 ITCAM Lotus Sametime Agent
s2 OS/2 Monitoring Agent
s3 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS
sa Monitoring Agent for mySAP
sb shared probes
sd Status Data Manager
sh Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring SOAP Server
sj Best Practices for WebSphere
sk Reporting Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager
sp SNMP Alert Adapter
sr IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor
ss Windows NT SNA Server Monitoring Agent
sy Summarization and Pruning Agent
t1 ITCAM File Transfer Enablement
t2 ITCAM for Response Time Tracking TEMA
t3 ITCAM Application Management Console (AMC)
t4 ITCAM for Client Response Time (CRT) Agent
t5 ITCAM for Web Response Time (WRT) Agent
t6 ITCAM for Robotic Response Time (RRT) Agent
th ITCAM for MQ Tracking
tl Omegamon XE for Message Transaction Tracker
tm Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring 5.x Endpoint
tn Unicenter TNG Alert Emitter
to ITCAM Transaction Reporter
tr NetView Alert Emitter
tu ITCAM Transaction Collector
tv Tivoli Enterprise Console Alert Adapter
tx Tuxedo Monitoring Agent
ua CA-Unicenter Alert Adapter
ub IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Applications: Siebel Agent
ud IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
ue Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
uf Universal Agent Framework
ui Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
uj Unison Maestro Alert Adapter
ul Monitoring Agent for UNIX Logs
um Universal Agent
ur Unison RoadRuner Alert Adapter
ut Unicenter TNG Alert Adapter
ux Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
va Premium Monitoring Agent for VIOS
vi HP OpenView Alert Emitter
vl OMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux
vm IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Servers
vt Tivoli Enterprise Console Alert Emitter
vw NetView for z/OS Agent Support
w0 IBM Message Service Client Library
we WebSphere Application Server Monitoring Agent
wj ITCAM Common Components
wl BEA Weblogic Server Monitoring Agent
wo IBM Tivoli Monitoring for OMEGAVIEW II for the Enterprise
ww WebSphere Application Server on OS/390
yb IBM Tivoli Information Management for z/OS
yj Monitoring Agent for J2EE
yn ITCAM for Web Resources
2n | Agentless Agent |
3z | Monitoring Agent for Active Directory |
a2 | AF/Remote Alert Adapter |
a4 | Monitoring Agent for i5/OS |
ah | System Automation for z/OS |
am | OMEGACENTER Gateway MVS Alert Adapter |
au | CA-Unicenter Alert Emitter |
ax | IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries |
bb | RAS1 programming building blocks |
bc | ITCAM System Edition for WebSphere DataPower |
bl | CASP Directory Server Monitoring Agent |
bn | ITCAM for SOA Platform |
br | CASP Exchange Connector Monitoring Agent |
bs | Basic Services |
c3 | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS |
c5 | OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS |
ca | Agent Management Services Watchdog |
ce | KCEagent in V5.1.0 and higher for OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS |
cf | TEMS Configurator |
cg | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cryptographic Coprocessors |
ci | IBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer |
cicatrsq | IBM Tivoli Monitoring SQL Files |
cienv | IBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer |
cj | Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client |
co | Command and Control |
cp | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS |
cq | Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server |
cu | ICU globalization support |
cw | Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client |
cz | IBM Tivoli Monitoring CommandPro |
d3 | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for DB2 |
d4 | ITCAM for SOA |
d5 | OMEGAMON XE for PE and PM on z/OS |
dc | distributed communications |
dd | Distributed Database common code |
de | distributed communications transport protocol |
df | OMEGAMON II for SMS |
dh | Internet http server |
do | IBM Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS |
dp | OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE and PM on z/OS |
ds | Tivoli Enterprise Management Server |
dy | remote deploy (os agent only) |
e3 | R/3 Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent |
e4 | Siemens APOGEE Agent |
e5 | OSIsoft PI Agent |
e6 | Johnson Controls Metasys Agent |
e7 | APC InfraStruXure Agent |
e8 | Eaton Power Xpert Agent |
e9 | Active Energy Manager Agent |
ea | Internet Monitoring Agent |
el | Lotus Notes Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent |
em | Event manager |
en | SNMP Gateway on Windows NT |
er | Management Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console Gateway |
es | EIF to WS-Notification Converter |
et | End-to-End |
eu | Custom Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent |
ew | Web Browsers (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent |
ex | Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server |
ez | OMA for eBA Solutions |
fn | Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Management Framework |
fw | Windows NT Tivoli Enterprise Portal |
ga | SNMP Gateway on AIX |
gb | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Domino |
gl | general library |
gr | Graphics and Sound Library for TEP |
gs | IBM GSKit Security Interface |
gw | OMEGAMON XE for CICS TG on z/OS |
hc | HMC Alert Adapter |
hd | Warehouse Proxy |
hi | HP OpenView IT/Operations Alert Adapter |
hl | OMEGAMON z/OS Management Console |
ho | HP OpenView NNM Alert Adapter |
ht | Monitoring Agent for Web Services |
i2 | OMEGAMON II for IMS |
i5 | OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS |
ic | WebSphere InterChange Server Monitoring Agent |
ie | WebSphere InterChange Server Data Source |
ih | OpenView ITO Alert Emitter |
ip | OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS |
is | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Internet Service Monitoring |
it | TEC GUI Integration |
iv | IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions Update |
iw | IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions |
jr | Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE |
ju | Monitoring Agent for JMX JSR-77 |
ka | Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console |
kf | IBM Eclipse Help Server |
kt | ITCAM for Response Time Enabler on z/OS |
la | IBM Tivoli LAP tool |
ln | Lotus Notes Monitoring Agent |
lo | Monitoring Agent for Netcool\OMNIbus Logfiles |
lv | ITMS:Engine |
lx | POSIX pthread mapping service (CT/Engine) |
lz | Monitoring Agent for Linux OS |
m2 | OMEGAMON II for MVS |
m3 | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for OS/390 |
m5 | OMEGAMON XE on z/OS |
m6 | ITCAM Agent for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition |
ma | Remedy ARS Alert Adapter |
mc | WebSphere MQ Configuration Agent |
md | PQEdit |
mq | WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent |
ms | Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server |
n3 | OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks |
na | IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise Management Agent |
nd | Monitoring Agent for Tivoli NetView Server |
no | Tivoli Omnibus ObjectServer Agent |
np | IBM Tivoli Network Manager |
nt | Monitoring Agent for Windows OS |
nv | NetView/AIX Alert Adapter |
nw | Novell NetWare Monitoring Agent |
oe | CCC for OS/390 Unix System Services |
on | OMEGAMON II for Mainframe Network |
oq | Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server |
or | Monitoring Agent for Oracle |
os | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Sysplex |
ox | Informix Monitoring Agent |
oy | Monitoring Agent for Sybase Server |
p0 | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for DB2 |
p3 | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for OS agent |
p4 | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for Oracle |
p5 | Base Monitoring Agent for AIX |
p6 | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for System P |
p8 | ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Domain |
p9 | ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler |
pa | Performance Analyzer |
pc | DEC Polycenter Alert Adapter |
pe | Monitoring Agent for Provisioning |
ph | Base Monitoring Agent for HMC |
pi | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for ITCAM RT |
pk | Base Monitoring Agent for CEC |
pl | CandleLight Workstation |
ps | PeopleSoft Monitoring Agent |
pt | Peregrine ServiceCenter Alert Adapter |
pu | Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for VMware |
pv | Base Monitoring Agent for VIOS |
px | Premium Monitoring Agent for AIX |
q5 | Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Cluster Server |
q7 | Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Agent |
qa | Monitoring for Microsoft Applications |
qd | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for IBM Director |
qf | Monitoring Agent for Microsoft .NET Framework |
qi | WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent |
qr | Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Virtual Server |
qv | Monitoring Agent for VMware ESX |
qx | Monitoring Agent for Citrix Access Suite |
r2 | Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems |
r3 | Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems |
r4 | Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems |
r5 | Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems |
r6 | Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems |
r9 | Business System Manager Common Agent |
rc | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Rational Applications |
rg | IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm |
rj | IBM Tivoli Allocation Optimizer for z/OS |
rk | IBM Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager |
rn | IBM Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS |
rv | IBM Tivoli Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS |
rw | IBM Tivoli Tape Optimizer |
rz | ITCAM Extended Agent for Oracle Database |
s1 | ITCAM Lotus Sametime Agent |
s2 | OS/2 Monitoring Agent |
s3 | IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS |
sa | Monitoring Agent for mySAP |
sb | shared probes |
sd | Status Data Manager |
sh | Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring SOAP Server |
sj | Best Practices for WebSphere |
sk | Reporting Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager |
sp | SNMP Alert Adapter |
sr | IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor |
ss | Windows NT SNA Server Monitoring Agent |
sy | Summarization and Pruning Agent |
t1 | ITCAM File Transfer Enablement |
t2 | ITCAM for Response Time Tracking TEMA |
t3 | ITCAM Application Management Console (AMC) |
t4 | ITCAM for Client Response Time (CRT) Agent |
t5 | ITCAM for Web Response Time (WRT) Agent |
t6 | ITCAM for Robotic Response Time (RRT) Agent |
th | ITCAM for MQ Tracking |
tl | Omegamon XE for Message Transaction Tracker |
tm | Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring 5.x Endpoint |
tn | Unicenter TNG Alert Emitter |
to | ITCAM Transaction Reporter |
tr | NetView Alert Emitter |
tu | ITCAM Transaction Collector |
tv | Tivoli Enterprise Console Alert Adapter |
tx | Tuxedo Monitoring Agent |
ua | CA-Unicenter Alert Adapter |
ub | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Applications: Siebel Agent |
ud | IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2 |
ue | Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions |
uf | Universal Agent Framework |
ui | Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface |
uj | Unison Maestro Alert Adapter |
ul | Monitoring Agent for UNIX Logs |
um | Universal Agent |
ur | Unison RoadRuner Alert Adapter |
ut | Unicenter TNG Alert Adapter |
ux | Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS |
va | Premium Monitoring Agent for VIOS |
vi | HP OpenView Alert Emitter |
vl | OMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux |
vm | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Servers |
vt | Tivoli Enterprise Console Alert Emitter |
vw | NetView for z/OS Agent Support |
w0 | IBM Message Service Client Library |
we | WebSphere Application Server Monitoring Agent |
wj | ITCAM Common Components |
wl | BEA Weblogic Server Monitoring Agent |
wo | IBM Tivoli Monitoring for OMEGAVIEW II for the Enterprise |
ww | WebSphere Application Server on OS/390 |
yb | IBM Tivoli Information Management for z/OS |
yj | Monitoring Agent for J2EE |
yn | ITCAM for Web Resources |
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