Tuesday, 24 December 2013

IBM Tivoli Monitoring ITM 6.X Product Codes

This technote provides the location to a file that contains a list of most of the product codes and their descriptors. This method suggested below may not be applicable to all customer environments.

There is a file located at $INSTALLDIR/registry/proddsc.tbl. It contains a list of agent product codes. The proddsc.tbl file only exists in a Linux/Unix installation environment. It is not present in Windows or zOS. Please note some product codes listed in the table below may not be valid in all environments as some have reached end of support.

The output below is for example only and may not be complete. Since product codes are added periodically, do not use the list published in this Technote as the definitive source. Reference the most recent product documentation for updated product codes and descriptions.

2nAgentless Agent
3zMonitoring Agent for Active Directory
a2AF/Remote Alert Adapter
a4Monitoring Agent for i5/OS
ahSystem Automation for z/OS
amOMEGACENTER Gateway MVS Alert Adapter
auCA-Unicenter Alert Emitter
axIBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
bbRAS1 programming building blocks
bcITCAM System Edition for WebSphere DataPower
blCASP Directory Server Monitoring Agent
bnITCAM for SOA Platform
brCASP Exchange Connector Monitoring Agent
bsBasic Services
c3IBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS
caAgent Management Services Watchdog
ceKCEagent in V5.1.0 and higher for OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS
cfTEMS Configurator
cgIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Cryptographic Coprocessors
ciIBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer
cicatrsqIBM Tivoli Monitoring SQL Files
cienvIBM Tivoli Monitoring Product Installer
cjTivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client
coCommand and Control
cpIBM Tivoli Monitoring for CICS
cqTivoli Enterprise Portal Server
cuICU globalization support
cwTivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client
czIBM Tivoli Monitoring CommandPro
d3IBM Tivoli Monitoring for DB2
d5OMEGAMON XE for PE and PM on z/OS
dcdistributed communications
ddDistributed Database common code
dedistributed communications transport protocol
dhInternet http server
doIBM Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS
dpOMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE and PM on z/OS
dsTivoli Enterprise Management Server
dyremote deploy (os agent only)
e3R/3 Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
e4Siemens APOGEE Agent
e5OSIsoft PI Agent
e6Johnson Controls Metasys Agent
e7APC InfraStruXure Agent
e8Eaton Power Xpert Agent
e9Active Energy Manager Agent
eaInternet Monitoring Agent
elLotus Notes Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
emEvent manager
enSNMP Gateway on Windows NT
erManagement Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console Gateway
esEIF to WS-Notification Converter
euCustom Clients (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
ewWeb Browsers (for ETEWatch) Monitoring Agent
exMonitoring Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
ezOMA for eBA Solutions
fnMonitoring Agent for Tivoli Management Framework
fwWindows NT Tivoli Enterprise Portal
gaSNMP Gateway on AIX
gbIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Domino
glgeneral library
grGraphics and Sound Library for TEP
gsIBM GSKit Security Interface
hcHMC Alert Adapter
hdWarehouse Proxy
hiHP OpenView IT/Operations Alert Adapter
hlOMEGAMON z/OS Management Console
hoHP OpenView NNM Alert Adapter
htMonitoring Agent for Web Services
icWebSphere InterChange Server Monitoring Agent
ieWebSphere InterChange Server Data Source
ihOpenView ITO Alert Emitter
isIBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Internet Service Monitoring
itTEC GUI Integration
ivIBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions Update
iwIBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Extensions
jrTivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
juMonitoring Agent for JMX JSR-77
kaMonitoring Agent for Tivoli Enterprise Console
kfIBM Eclipse Help Server
ktITCAM for Response Time Enabler on z/OS
laIBM Tivoli LAP tool
lnLotus Notes Monitoring Agent
loMonitoring Agent for Netcool\OMNIbus Logfiles
lxPOSIX pthread mapping service (CT/Engine)
lzMonitoring Agent for Linux OS
m3IBM Tivoli Monitoring for OS/390
m6ITCAM Agent for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
maRemedy ARS Alert Adapter
mcWebSphere MQ Configuration Agent
mqWebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent
msTivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
n3OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks
naIBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise Management Agent
ndMonitoring Agent for Tivoli NetView Server
noTivoli Omnibus ObjectServer Agent
npIBM Tivoli Network Manager
ntMonitoring Agent for Windows OS
nvNetView/AIX Alert Adapter
nwNovell NetWare Monitoring Agent
oeCCC for OS/390 Unix System Services
onOMEGAMON II for Mainframe Network
oqMonitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
orMonitoring Agent for Oracle
osIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Sysplex
oxInformix Monitoring Agent
oyMonitoring Agent for Sybase Server
p0Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for DB2
p3Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for OS agent
p4Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for Oracle
p5Base Monitoring Agent for AIX
p6Tivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for System P
p8ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Domain
p9ITCAM Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler
paPerformance Analyzer
pcDEC Polycenter Alert Adapter
peMonitoring Agent for Provisioning
phBase Monitoring Agent for HMC
piTivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for ITCAM RT
pkBase Monitoring Agent for CEC
plCandleLight Workstation
psPeopleSoft Monitoring Agent
ptPeregrine ServiceCenter Alert Adapter
puTivoli Performance Analyzer Domain for VMware
pvBase Monitoring Agent for VIOS
pxPremium Monitoring Agent for AIX
q5Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Cluster Server
q7Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Agent
qaMonitoring for Microsoft Applications
qdIBM Tivoli Monitoring for IBM Director
qfMonitoring Agent for Microsoft .NET Framework
qiWebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent
qrMonitoring Agent for Microsoft Virtual Server
qvMonitoring Agent for VMware ESX
qxMonitoring Agent for Citrix Access Suite
r2Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems
r3Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems
r4Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems
r5Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems
r6Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems
r9Business System Manager Common Agent
rcIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Rational Applications
rgIBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm
rjIBM Tivoli Allocation Optimizer for z/OS
rkIBM Tivoli Automated Tape Allocation Manager
rnIBM Tivoli Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS
rvIBM Tivoli Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS
rwIBM Tivoli Tape Optimizer
rzITCAM Extended Agent for Oracle Database
s1ITCAM Lotus Sametime Agent
s2OS/2 Monitoring Agent
s3IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS
saMonitoring Agent for mySAP
sbshared probes
sdStatus Data Manager
shTivoli Enterprise Monitoring SOAP Server
sjBest Practices for WebSphere
skReporting Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager
spSNMP Alert Adapter
srIBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor
ssWindows NT SNA Server Monitoring Agent
sySummarization and Pruning Agent
t1ITCAM File Transfer Enablement
t2ITCAM for Response Time Tracking TEMA
t3ITCAM Application Management Console (AMC)
t4ITCAM for Client Response Time (CRT) Agent
t5ITCAM for Web Response Time (WRT) Agent
t6ITCAM for Robotic Response Time (RRT) Agent
thITCAM for MQ Tracking
tlOmegamon XE for Message Transaction Tracker
tmMonitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring 5.x Endpoint
tnUnicenter TNG Alert Emitter
toITCAM Transaction Reporter
trNetView Alert Emitter
tuITCAM Transaction Collector
tvTivoli Enterprise Console Alert Adapter
txTuxedo Monitoring Agent
uaCA-Unicenter Alert Adapter
ubIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Applications: Siebel Agent
udIBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
ueTivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
ufUniversal Agent Framework
uiTivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
ujUnison Maestro Alert Adapter
ulMonitoring Agent for UNIX Logs
umUniversal Agent
urUnison RoadRuner Alert Adapter
utUnicenter TNG Alert Adapter
uxMonitoring Agent for UNIX OS
vaPremium Monitoring Agent for VIOS
viHP OpenView Alert Emitter
vlOMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux
vmIBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Servers
vtTivoli Enterprise Console Alert Emitter
vwNetView for z/OS Agent Support
w0IBM Message Service Client Library
weWebSphere Application Server Monitoring Agent
wjITCAM Common Components
wlBEA Weblogic Server Monitoring Agent
woIBM Tivoli Monitoring for OMEGAVIEW II for the Enterprise
wwWebSphere Application Server on OS/390
ybIBM Tivoli Information Management for z/OS
yjMonitoring Agent for J2EE
ynITCAM for Web Resources

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