Saturday 26 July 2014

PowerHA/HACMP Moving Resource Group (RG) one node to other

We are going to discuss about the resource group (RG) movement one node to other in PowerHA.
Here are the steps

1) Extending PATH vairable with cluster paths

Sometimes cluster paths are not included in default path ,run below command incase if you are not able to run commands directly.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/es/sbin/cluster:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/sbin:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc

2) Check the cluster services are up  or not in destination node

#clshowsrv -v
Status of the RSCT subsystems used by HACMP:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 topsvcs          topsvcs          278684       active
 grpsvcs          grpsvcs          332026       active
 grpglsm          grpsvcs                       inoperative
 emsvcs           emsvcs           446712       active
 emaixos          emsvcs           294942       active
 ctrmc            rsct             131212       active

Status of the HACMP subsystems:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 clcomdES         clcomdES         204984       active
 clstrmgrES       cluster          86080        active

Status of the optional HACMP subsystems:
Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
 clinfoES         cluster          360702       active

3) Check the availability of resource group

# clRGinfo
Group Name     Type           State      Location
UMRG1            non-concurrent OFFLINE    umhaserv1
                                ONLINE     umhaserv2

4) Move the resourcegroup by using below command

==>  clRGmove -g <RG> -n  <node> -m

# clRGmove -g UMRG1 -n umhaserv1 -m
Attempting to move group UMRG1 to node umhaserv1.
Waiting for cluster to process the resource group movement request....
Waiting for the cluster to stabilize..................
Resource group movement successful.
Resource group UMRG1 is online on node umhaserv1.

You can use smitty path also

smitty cl_admin => HACMP Resource Group and Application Management => Move a Resource Group to Another Node / Site

5) Verify the RG movement

# clRGinfo
Group Name     Type           State      Location
UMRG1          non-concurrent   ONLINE     umhaserv1
                                OFFLINE    umhaserv2

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