Monday, 22 April 2013

Performance Monitoring and Tuning

Monitoring Commands



The vmstat command is useful for obtaining an overall picture of CPU, paging, and memory usage. The following is a sample report produced by the vmstat command:
# vmstat 5 2
 kthr      memory             page              faults     cpu
 ----- -----------   ------------------------ ------------ ----------- 
 r b     avm   fre    re pi po fr sr cy        in  sy  cs   us sy id wa 
 1 1  197167 477552   0  0  0  7  21 0        106 1114 451   0  0 99 0 
 0 0  197178 477541   0  0  0  0  0  0        443 1123 442   0  0 99 0 
Remember that the first report from the vmstat command displays cumulative activity since the last system boot. The second report shows activity for the first 5-second interval.


The iostat command is the fastest way to get a first impression, whether or not the system has a disk I/O-bound performance problem. This tool also reports CPU statistics.
 -a  Specifies adapter throughput report.
 -d  Specifies drive report only.
 -m  Specifies statistics for paths.
 -t  Specifies tty/cpu report only.
 -z  Resets the disk input/output statistics

 # iostat  2 2
 tty:      tin         tout   avg-cpu:  % user    % sys     % idle    % iowait
           0.0          0.8               8.4      2.6       88.5       0.5
           0.0         80.2               4.5      3.0       92.1       0.5

 Disks:     % tm_act    Kbps    tps        Kb_read      Kb_wrtn
 hdisk3       0.0        0.3    0.0        258032       224266
 hdisk2       0.1        1.1    0.0        258088       1658678
To display the adapter information
 # iostat -t -a -D
 System configuration: lcpu=120 drives=27 paths=252 vdisks=0 tapes=0

 fcs0                 xfer:      bps      tps    bread      bwrtn
                               1.1M    47.7    468.3K     668.8K
 fcs1                 xfer:      bps      tps    bread      bwrtn
                             800.2K    34.7    330.9K     469.3K
To display disk statistics including queue info in long list format
# iostat -lD  
System configuration: lcpu=120 drives=27 paths=252 vdisks=0

Disks:                     xfers                                read                                write                                  queue                  
-------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- 
                 %tm    bps   tps  bread  bwrtn   rps    avg    min    max time fail   wps    avg    min    max time fail    avg    min    max   avg   avg  serv
                 act                                    serv   serv   serv outs              serv   serv   serv outs        time   time   time  wqsz  sqsz qfull
hdisk1           0.6  58.6K  12.3   1.8K  56.8K   0.1   3.8    0.0    0.0     0    0  12.2   5.4    0.8   92.3     0    0   0.5    0.0   47.0    0.0   0.0   0.2
hdisk0           0.5  63.6K  12.5   6.9K  56.7K   0.3   2.5    2.6    7.1     0    0  12.2   5.0    0.3  100.0     0    0   0.4    0.0   50.3    0.0   0.0   0.2
hdisk8           5.0 908.7K  81.5 203.2K 705.5K  17.1  17.6    0.2  284.0     0    0  64.5 540.5    0.3   40.7     0    0   2.3S   0.0   26.6  215.0  36.0  21.3
hdisk2           1.8  55.4K   3.4  45.9K   9.6K   2.8  12.4    0.2   11.8     0    0   0.6 156.5    0.3   11.6     0    0   4.5    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0
hdisk6           5.3 931.6K  85.3 254.3K 677.3K  22.5  13.9    0.2  420.5     0    0  62.8 563.9    0.2   38.0     0    0   1.2S   0.0   10.4  107.0  36.0  18.7
hdisk7           5.0 944.0K  85.5 208.7K 735.3K  17.3  17.5    0.2  313.6     0    0  68.2 497.0    0.3   43.7     0    0   2.2S   0.0   27.2  215.0  35.0  22.0


The svmon command provides a more in-depth analysis of memory usage. It is more informative, but also more intrusive, than the vmstat and ps commands. The svmon command captures a snapshot of the current state of memory.

The memory consumption is reported using the inuse, free, pin, virtual and paging space counters.

  • The inuse counter represents the number of used frames.
  • The free counter represents the number of free frames from all memory pools.
  • The pin counter represents the number of pinned frames, that is, frames that cannot be swapped.
  • The virtual counter represents the number of pages allocated in the system virtual space.
  • The paging space counter represents the number of pages reserved or used on paging spaces.
 -G   Global report
 -U   User report
 -P   Process report
 -i   To define intervel and number of intervels. eg. -i 1 5
To find out the total memory/swap and free memory/swap available in an AIX system
# svmon -G
               size      inuse       free        pin    virtual
memory      3932160    3914793      17367     444363    1609451
pg space    1048576       6622

               work       pers       clnt
pin          444363          0          0
in use      1609451          0    2305342

PageSize   PoolSize      inuse       pgsp        pin    virtual
s   4 KB          -    3787625       6622     370027    1482283
m  64 KB          -       7948          0       4646       7948

# pagesize
So, the above system have almost 16GB physical Memory and 4 GB swap

A memory leak can be detected with the svmon command, by looking for processes whose working segment continually grows. A leak in a kernel segment can be caused by an mbuf leak or by a device driver, kernel extension, or even the kernel. To determine if a segment is growing, use the svmon command with the -i option to look at a process or a group of processes and see if any segment continues to grow.
 # svmon -P 13548 -i 1 2

 Pid                         Command        Inuse        Pin      Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd LPage
 13548                       pacman         8535        2178      847     8533      N     N     N

 Vsid     Esid Type  Description          LPage  Inuse    Pin  Pgsp  Virtual
     0       0 work  kernel seg               -   4375   2176   847     4375
 48412       2 work  process private          -   2357     2    0    2357
 6c01b       d work  shared library text      -   1790      0     0     1790
 4c413       f work  shared library data      -     11     0    0      11
 3040c       1 pers  code,/dev/prodlv:4097    -      2      0     -        -
 ginger :svmon -P 13548 -i 1 3

 Pid                         Command        Inuse        Pin      Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd LPage
 13548                       pacman         8589         2178       847  8587      N     N     N

 Vsid     Esid Type  Description          LPage  Inuse    Pin  Pgsp  Virtual
    0        0 work  kernel seg               -   4375   2176   847     4375
 48412       2 work  process private          -   2411     2    0    2411
 6c01b       d work  shared library text      -   1790      0     0     1790
 4c413       f work  shared library data      -     11     0    0      11
 3040c       1 pers  code,/dev/prodlv:4097    -      2      0     -        - 


The filemon command monitor a trace for file system and IO system events and reports performance statistics for files, virtual memory segments, logical volumes and physical volumes. filemon is useful to those whose applications are believed to be disk-bound and want to know where and why.

filemon command shows the load on different disks, logical volumes and files in a great detail.
trcstop command is used to stop the filemon monitoring.

The syntax of filemon command is
 filemon [-o output_file] [-O levels] [-u] [-v] 

  -O [lv | pv | vm | If | all ]    
     (If - Logical file level, vm - Virtual memory level, lv - lv level)  
  -u Reports on files that were opened prior to the start of the trace daemon
If the output file is not specified, the output is sent to standard output.

To start the filemon monitoring for 1 min.
 # filemon -uo filemon.out -O all ; sleep 60; trcstop
To find out the most active Logical Volumes
 # awk '/Most Active Logical Volumes/,/^$/' filemon.out
 Most Active Logical Volumes
   util  #rblk  #wblk   KB/s  volume                   description
   0.04   4208      0   34.9  /dev/paging00            paging
   0.04   4000      0   33.2  /dev/hd6                 paging
   0.01   1680  11408  108.6  /dev/oralvr32            /oracle/R32
   0.00      0    264    2.2  /dev/hd8                 jfs2log
To find out most active Files
 # awk '/Most Active Files/,/^$/' filemon.out
To find out most active physical Volumes
 # awk '/Most Active Physical Volumes/,/^$/' filemon.out


The rmss command provides you with a means to simulate different sizes of real memory that are smaller than your actual machine, without having to extract and replace memory boards or reconfigure memory using logical partitions.

To change the memory size to 500 MB,
 # rmss -c 500
 Simulated memory size changed to 500 Mb.
To reset the memory size to the real memory size of the machine, enter:
 # rmss -r

Tuning Commands

 nice and renice

The /etc/tunables commands

To manage its files in the /etc/tunables directory, new commands have been added to AIX. They are as follows:

tuncheck: This command validates a file either to be applied immediately or at reboot time (-r flag). It checks the ranges, dependencies, and prompts to run bosboot if required. Run this command if you copy a file to a new system, or edit it with an editor such as vi.

tunsave: This command saves all current values to a file, including optionally the
nextboot file.

tunrestore: This command applies values from a file, either immediately, or at the next reboot (-r flag). With the -r flag, it validates and copies the file over the current nextboot file.

tundefault: This command resets all parameters to their default value. It can be applied at the next reboot with the -r flag.

ioo, vmo and no commands:

These commands are used to set or display current or next boot values of different tuning parameters.
  • ioo for IO tuning parameters
  • vmo for Virtual Memory Manager parameters
  • no for network tuning parameters
These commands can also make permanent changes or defer changes until the next reboot. When a permanent change or nextboot value is changed using these commands, the/etc/tunables/nextboot file is updated automatically with the new values (if the new value is different from the default value).

The following flags are common for ioo, vmo and no commands.
 -L [tunable] List the characteristics of one or all tunables
 -d tunable - Resets 'tunable' to default value
 -o [tunable] - Display the current value of 'tunable'
 -o tunable=<value> - Set the 'tuneble' to new value
 -D - Resets all tunables to their default value  
 -p - Changes apply to both current and reboot values (/etc/tunables/nextboot file updated)
 -r - Changes apply to only reboot values (/etc/tunables/nextboot file updated)
 # vmo -p -o minfree=1200 -o maxfree=1280 
 # ioo -r -o maxpgahead=64 -o j2_minPageReadAhead=8
 # no -r -o rfc1323=1 -o tcp_recvspace=262144 -o tcp_sendspace=262144
A sample /etc/tunables/nextboot file.
cat /etc/tunables/nextboot

        minfree = "1200"
        maxfree = "1280"
        minperm% = "10"
        maxperm% = "40"
        maxclient% = "40"

        j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice = "1024"

        tcp_recvspace = "65536"
        tcp_sendspace = "65536"
        tcp_pmtu_discover = "0"
        udp_pmtu_discover = "0
minfree Minimum acceptable number of real-memory page frames in the free list. When the size of the free list falls below this number, the VMM begins stealing pages. It continues stealing pages until the size of the free list reaches maxfree.

maxfree Maximum size to which the free list will grow by VMM page-stealing. The size of the free list may exceed this number as a result of processes terminating and freeing their working-segment pages or the deletion of files that have pages in memory.

minperm If the percentage of real memory occupied by file pages falls below this level, the page-replacement algorithm steals both file and computational pages, regardless of repage rates.
maxperm' If the percentage of real memory occupied by file pages rises above this level, the page-replacement algorithm steals only file pages.

maxclient If the percentage of real memory occupied by file pages is above this level, the page-replacement algorithm steals only client pages.

aio (Asynchronous IO)

AIO is an AIX software subsystem that allows processes to issue I/O operations without waiting for I/O to finish. Because both I/O operations and applications processing run concurrently, they essentially run in the background and improve performance. This is particularly important in a database environment.

  • Prior to AIX 6.1, AIO is a device whose details are stored in the ODM and managed using the ‘chdev’ command.
  • From AIX 6.1 and above, AIO is no longer a device, and is managed using the ‘ioo’ command.
  • AIO is a prerequisite of Oracle, and must be ‘enabled’ prior to installing Oracle.
Prior to AIX 6.1, AIO is enabled as follows:
 smit aio  
 chdev –l aio0 –aautoconfig=available -a minservers=100 -a maxservers=100 -a maxreqs=9152 
 mkdev aio0
 chdev –l posix_aio0 –aautoconfig=available
 mkdev posix_aio0
 aioo  ### To manage aio parameters
minserver: Minimum number of kernel processes dedicated to asynchronous I/O processing
masservers: Maxiimum number of kernel processes dedicated to AIO processing

maxreqs: maximum number of asynchronous I/O requests that can be outstanding at one time
autoconfig: The state to which AIO is to be configured during system initialization. The possible values are "defined", which means that AIO cannot be used, and "available"

From AIX 6.1 and above, AIO is activated ‘dynamically’ as and when a program makes a call to AIO, so it is no longer necessary to manually enable AIO. The ‘ioo’ command is used change the properties of AIO only.

 # ioo -a 
                    aio_active = 0
                   aio_maxreqs = 65536
                aio_maxservers = 30
                aio_minservers = 3
         aio_server_inactivity = 300
         j2_atimeUpdateSymlink = 0
  j2_dynamicBufferPreallocation = 16
             j2_inodeCacheSize = 400
           j2_maxPageReadAhead = 128
             j2_maxRandomWrite = 0
          j2_metadataCacheSize = 400
           j2_minPageReadAhead = 2
 j2_nPagesPerWriteBehindCluster = 32
             j2_nRandomCluster = 0
              j2_syncPageCount = 0
              j2_syncPageLimit = 16
                    lvm_bufcnt = 9
                    maxpgahead = 8
                    maxrandwrt = 0
                      numclust = 1
                     numfsbufs = 196
                     pd_npages = 65536
              posix_aio_active = 0
             posix_aio_maxreqs = 65536
          posix_aio_maxservers = 30
          posix_aio_minservers = 3
   posix_aio_server_inactivity = 300

Disk IO pacing (High water-mark and Low Water-mark)

AIX 6.1 enables I/O pacing by default. In AIX 5.3, you needed to explicitly enable this feature.
The way it does this is by setting the sys0 settings of minpout and maxput parameters to 4096 and 8193, respectively:

Disk-I/O pacing is intended to prevent programs that generate very large amounts of output from saturating the systems I/O facilities and causing the response times of less-demanding programs to deteriorate.

When a process tries to write to a file that already has high-water mark pending writes, the process is put to sleep until enough I/Os have completed to make the number of pending writes less than or equal to the low-water mark. The logic of I/O-request handling does not change. The output from high-volume processes is slowed down somewhat.

The maxpout parameter specifies the number of pages that can be scheduled in the I/O state to a file before the threads are suspended. The minpout parameter specifies the minimum number of scheduled pages at which the threads are woken up from the suspended state. The default value for both the maxpout and minpout parameters is 0, which means that the I/O pacing feature is disabled. Changes to the system-wide values of the maxpout and minpout parameters take effect immediately without rebooting the system.
Changing the values for the maxpout and minpout parameters overwrites the system-wide settings. You can exclude a file system from system-wide I/O pacing by mounting the file system and setting the values for the maxpout and minpout parameters explicitly to 0. The following command is an example: mount -o minpout=0,maxpout=0 /<file system>

To change the high water-mark level

 # chdev -a maxpout=20 -l sys0

Network Monitoring

netpmon Monitors activity and reports statistics on network I/O and network-related CPU usage. The netpmon command monitors a trace of system events, and reports on network activity and performance during the monitored interval. By default, the netpmon command runs in the background while one or more application programs or system commands are being executed and monitored. The netpmon command automatically starts and monitors a trace of network-related system events in real time. By default, the trace is started immediately; optionally, tracing may be deferred until the user issues a trcon command. When tracing is stopped by a trcstop command, the netpmon command generates all specified reports and exits.
# netpmon 
Run trcstop command to signal end of trace.
Fri Mar 23 10:08:43 2012
System: AIX 6.1 Node: nbmedia200 Machine: 00C7C24E4C00

# trcstop
[netpmon: Reporting started]


Process CPU Usage Statistics:
Process (top 20)             PID  CPU Time   CPU %   CPU %
netpmon                  2294244    6.8347    9.820   0.000
ps                           3080288     0.0156    0.022   0.000
ps                           983804       0.0146    0.021   0.000
ps                           3145998     0.0143    0.021   0.000
ps                           3015104     0.0129    0.019   0.000
trcstop                    3080290     0.0053    0.008   0.000
ksh                         1835464     0.0051     0.007   0.000
topasrec                 2228292     0.0051     0.007   0.000
Total (all processes)                   6.9672    10.011  0.003
Idle time                                 59.3796     85.319


First Level Interrupt Handler CPU Usage Statistics:
FLIH                              CPU Time   CPU %   CPU %
data page fault               0.0495   0.071   0.000
UNKNOWN                      0.0170   0.024   0.000
PPC decrementer            0.0024   0.003   0.000
external device               0.0000   0.000   0.000
queued interrupt             0.0000   0.000   0.000
Total (all FLIHs)               0.0689   0.099   0.000

Network Device-Driver Statistics (by Device):
                        ----------- Xmit -----------   -------- Recv ---------
Device                   Pkts/s  Bytes/s  Util  QLen   Pkts/s  Bytes/s   Demux
ethernet 0                 0.69       74  0.1%  0.00     1.61      243  0.0000
ethernet 1                 0.00        0  0.0%  0.00     0.23      136  0.0000


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