Friday 19 April 2013

Short forms related to IBM AIX

IBM         International Business Machines 

AIX        Advanced Interactive eXecutive (Advanced IBM uniX)

POWER   Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC

RISC       Reduced Instruction Set Computing

CISC      Complex Instruction Set Computing

SCSI      Small computer Simple Interface

PCI       Peripheral Component Interconnect

ISA       Industry Standard Architecture

MCA     Micro Channel Architectural

CHRP    Common Hardware Reference Platform

SMP      Symmetric Multi Processor

PSSP     Parallel System Support Programs

LPAR    Logical PARtition 

HACMP  High Availability Cluster Multi Processing

RSCT   Really Scalable ( RS6000) Cluster Technology

P2SC   POWER2 Super Chips

RAS     Releability Availability Serviceability

SMP    Symmetric Multi Processing

NUMA   Non-Uniform Memory Access

MPP     Massively Parallel Processing

CMP    Chip Multi Processing

CAD   Computer Aided Design

CWS   Controll Work Station

ISB    Intermediate Switch Boards

SDR    System Data Depository

PVM   Parallel Virtual Machine

MPI   Message Passing Interface

HPF   High Performance FORTRAN 

HMC     Hardware Management Console

ASM     Advanced System Management

NIM      Network Installation Manager

LPP      Licenced program Product

BOS     Base Operating System

APAR    Authorized program Analysis Report

SMS     System Management Services

SRC     System Resource Controller 

JFS       Journaled File System

JFS2     Enhanced Journaled File System

CDRFS   CD-ROM File System

UDFS     Universal Disk Format Specification

CIFS      Common Internet File System

NFS      Network File System

NBPI     Number of Bytes Per Inode 

WSM    Web based System management

RMC     Resource Monitoring and Controll

DAT     Digital Audio tape

QIC     Quarter Inch Catridge

DLT     Digital Linear Tape

LTO     Linear tape Operation

TAR     Tape ARchive

CPIO   CoPy Input to Output 

DD      Device to Device

TCTL   Tape  ConTroL 

DCE    Distributed Computing Environment 

CDE    Common Desktop Environment

PPA    parallel Port Adapter

TCP/IP     Transmission Control Protocol / Internet protocol

DARPA    Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency

IAB      Internet Architecture Board

RFC     Request For Comments

LAN     Local Area Network

WAN    Wide Area Network

NIS     Network Infornation Services

DNS    Domain Name Service

DHCP   Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

NCS     Network Computing System

ICMP    Internet Control Message Protocol

PING    Packet InterNet Gropher

ODM     Object Data Manager

SWVPD   SoftWare Vital Product Data

SRC    System Resource Controller

SMIT  System Management Interface Tool

PUN   Physical Unit Number

LUN   Logical Unit Number

LVM   Logical Volume Manager 

VGDA    Volume Group Descriptor Area

VGSA     Volume Group Status Area

LVCB    Logical Volume Control Block

LVDD  Logical Volume Device Driver

PDT    Performance Diagnostic Tool

SSH    Secured SHell

RSH    Restricted SHell 

EA       Extended Attributes

ACL     Access Controll List

TCB    Trusted Computing Base

SAK    Secure Authentication Key

SAN    Storage Area Network

NAS    Network Area Storage (by NFS)

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