Monday 1 April 2013

AIX Technology Level update strategies

AIX Technology Level update strategies-Different supported ways of updating AIX to a new Technology Level (TL) version

Summary: As an AIX® system administrator, you know the importance of keeping the systems up to date. Unfortunately, this is always a little tricky and, sometimes, due to the size of the environments, very hard to accomplish. This article shows the many ways available to update an AIX server.


Staying current with the latest AIX Technology Level (TL) is always the best option to better availability, reliability and security. TL is a set of fixes, and new features added to an AIX version or new hardware support.
You should considered moving to a new TL version for the following reasons:
  • A new function provided in a new TL is needed.
  • If the existing TL is out or is about to go out of new fixes and service packs.
  • The system currently has a need for a fix, which is present on the new TL.
This article goes through the multiple ways of doing a TL update and the fallback options, as well. It shows the approved and supported TL upgrades methods provided by IBM.

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