Create linux tar gz (Gzip) archive
#tar -czvf myarchive.tgz mydirectory/'
#tar -czvf myarchive.tgz myfile1 myfile2 mydir1
#tar -czvf myarchive.tgz myfile1 myfile2 mydir1
We use the -t option to create an linux tar archive
-c, –create create a new archive
-c, –create create a new archive
Note that .tgz is the same thing as .tar.gz
Create linux simple tar archive (withouth compresion)
#tar -cvf myarchive.tar mydirectory/
Extracting linux tar archive:
Extract linux tar gz (Gzip) archive
#tar -xzvf mystuff.tgz
Extract linux simple tar archive
#tar -xvf mystuff.tar
We use -x to extract the files form the tar archive
-x, –extract, –get extract files from an archive
-x, –extract, –get extract files from an archive
Extract linux tar archive to speciefied directorytar -xvzf filename.tar.gz -C /desired/path
And now let us shortly explain this command
Usage: tar [OPTION]… [FILE]…
Let us check the option used in this example
-c, –create create a new archive
-z, –gzip, –ungzip filter the archive through gzip
-v, –verbose verbosely list files processed
-f, –file=ARCHIVE use archive file or device ARCHIVE
-z, –gzip, –ungzip filter the archive through gzip
-v, –verbose verbosely list files processed
-f, –file=ARCHIVE use archive file or device ARCHIVE
-C directory file Performs a chdir operation on directory and performs the c (create) or r (replace) operation on file .
In c and r mode, these changes the directory before adding the following files. In x mode, change directories after opening the archive but before extracting entries from the archive.
In c and r mode, these changes the directory before adding the following files. In x mode, change directories after opening the archive but before extracting entries from the archive.
You can extract to a defined location using:
#tar xvf yourstuff.tar -C your/path/here
Testing / viewing your archive
#tar -tvf myarchive.tar
#tar -tzvf myarchive.tgz
#tar -tzvf myarchive.tgz
Here we used the – t opton
-t, –list list the contents of an archive
-t, –list list the contents of an archive
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