Sunday 14 April 2013

Search and replace with extended regular expressions [ Scripting ]

To perform search-and-replace operations with extended regular expressions, copy

and paste the following script to /usr/local/bin/extreg or $HOME/bin/extreg:
if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
   perl -we '$/="'"$2"'";while(<>){'"$1"';print $_}'
   perl -we 'undef $/;$_=<>;'"$1"';print $_;'
Syntax: extreg regexp [separator]

"regexp" are one ore more extended regular expressions, separated by semicolon.

"separator" is an optional separator,see perlvar(1), section $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR. The data which has to be processed is divided into (with the separator ending) blocks, on which the regular expressions are applied.

If you want to be portable you should invoke perl directly. "extreg" is primarily meant to be used in your private scripts or in interactive shell mode.

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