This abstract illustrates the steps to find out the process id by using the port number without having to install lsof that may help the AIX System Administrators .
The past experiences have shown troubles to compile the source in certain versions of AIX(v5.3) and otherwise. Therefore the attached script will help achieve the same as lsof utility does.
Some times we know the port number and may want to kill the process manually. This can be achieved using lsof command. However, past experiences show that lsof command has troubles installing/compiling particularly with certain versions of AIX. Sometimes the source of lsof compiles properly and most of the times it does not.
Therefore, to get away the use of lsof command the steps mentioned in the solution description will help find out the process id without hassles.
Before you begin to execute this script you should know the port number and check if the port number is being listened. Use the command :
The past experiences have shown troubles to compile the source in certain versions of AIX(v5.3) and otherwise. Therefore the attached script will help achieve the same as lsof utility does.
Some times we know the port number and may want to kill the process manually. This can be achieved using lsof command. However, past experiences show that lsof command has troubles installing/compiling particularly with certain versions of AIX. Sometimes the source of lsof compiles properly and most of the times it does not.
Therefore, to get away the use of lsof command the steps mentioned in the solution description will help find out the process id without hassles.
Before you begin to execute this script you should know the port number and check if the port number is being listened. Use the command :
netstat -an | grep "<port_number>"
below posted "" script which accepts port number as input and gives process id as output. Step 1. Find out the address of the port number
# netstat -Aa | pg output will be something like : f100060003606b98 tcp4 0 0 *.51063 *.* LISTEN f100060003489398 tcp4 0 0 *.51100 *.* LISTEN f1000600035ed398 tcp4 0 0 *.51101 *.* LISTENStep 2. Take the hex address for the port number
e.g. 51063Step 3. Use sockinfo command
# echo "sockinfo f100060003606b98 tcpcb" | kdb |grep proc the output will be something like this : F100070F00000000 F100070F10000000 pvproc+000000 proc/fd: 16463/562 proc/fd: fd: 562 pvproc+1013C00 16463*java ACTIVE 004F1E4 0000001 0000000147AF6400 0 0037Step 4. Convert the hex value to decimal
# echo "hcal 004F1E4"|kdb|grep Value output will be: Value hexa: 0004F1E4 Value decimal: 324068Step 5. Find out the process id now
# ps -fp 324068 output will be: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 324068 1 0 Jan 17 - 8:06 /usr/WebSphere/p11/AppServer//java/bin/java
The Script
# File :
# Accepts input as port number and gives process id details as output
# File :
# Accepts input as port number and gives process id details as output
echo ""
echo "Type the port number and press Enter : "
read port
# Check for input. Exit if no input
if [ "$port" = "" ]
echo ""
echo "Exiting.....port number not entered. please re-execute the command"
echo ""
exit 1
if [ "$port" = "" ]
echo ""
echo "Exiting.....port number not entered. please re-execute the command"
echo ""
exit 1
# get address of the port number
export ADD_VAL=$(netstat -Aa | grep -w ${port} | awk '{print $1}')
export ADD_VAL=$(netstat -Aa | grep -w ${port} | awk '{print $1}')
if [ "$ADD_VAL" = "" ]
echo ""
echo "port number ${port} is not in use"
echo ""
exit 1
echo ""
echo "port number ${port} is not in use"
echo ""
exit 1
# get the hex value of
export HEX_VAL=$(echo "sockinfo ${ADD_VAL} tcpcb" | kdb |grep proc | awk '{print $4}')
export HEX_VAL=$(echo "sockinfo ${ADD_VAL} tcpcb" | kdb |grep proc | awk '{print $4}')
# This is optional for additional check
# if [ "$HEX_VAL" = "" ]
# then
# echo ""
# echo "error reading hex value of a port number ${port}"
# echo ""
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ "$HEX_VAL" = "" ]
# then
# echo ""
# echo "error reading hex value of a port number ${port}"
# echo ""
# exit 1
# fi
# convert hex value to decimal
export DEC_VAL=$(echo "16i${HEX_VAL} p" | dc)
export DEC_VAL=$(echo "16i${HEX_VAL} p" | dc)
# This is optional for additional check
# if [ "$DEC_VAL" = "" ]
# then
# echo ""
# echo "error converting hex value to decimal for port number ${port}"
# echo ""
# exit 1
# fi
# if [ "$DEC_VAL" = "" ]
# then
# echo ""
# echo "error converting hex value to decimal for port number ${port}"
# echo ""
# exit 1
# fi
echo "-----------------PROCESS ID------------------------"
echo $(ps -fp ${DEC_VAL} | awk '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $3 }')
echo "---------------------------------------------------"
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